Last month I met a friend for breakfast. At the end of the meal when the check arrived, he grabbed the slip and reached for his wallet. I started to protest. But he held up his hand and said “I’m happy to do it”.
I’ve been thinking a lot about this phrase. So often we’re quick to downplay the generous gestures we make. We say “it’s nothing” or “you paid last time”. But my friend didn’t do that, instead he emphasized the delight and satisfaction it gave him to pay for the meal. What an act of kindness.
Why are we so quick to minimize things?
- When someone praises our work, we say “I got lucky” or “well, I’ve been doing it for 20 years”
- When someone likes our creativity, we say “this? it’s only a first draft”
- When describing our career ambitions, we say “it’s just a dream”
What if, instead, you said:
- “Thank you, that means a lot”
- “I appreciate that you noticed, I really work hard at this”
- “Actually, I have this dream, and it means so much to me I’m nervous to talk about it”
What if, instead of dismissing the moment’s importance, you leaned into it?
Every gesture matters. Every contribution matters. Every moment matters.
Today is another chance to remember that you matter, and acknowledge the people around you. What will you do with your chance?