Last week I was walking through the Charlotte airport. I ducked into the restroom and discovered the janitor dancing around while he cleaned. Each time someone entered, he addressed them directly, saying “happy holidays!” and “you there, have an amazing day!”
I went up to him and said “thank you for being so cheerful”.
He shrugged and replied “it’s not hard”.
In one sense, he’s right. It’s not hard to be cheerful. We all know how.
And in the workplace, it’s easy to think clearly, be kind and encouraging, make decisions with the long-term in mind, and do what we think is right.
At least, it’s easy when things are going well, you’re not up against a deadline, your clients are happy and your family is content.
But what about when your situation is chaotic? What about when you’re about to miss a timeline, your boss is questioning your judgment, and your spouse wants you to help more with the kids?
Suddenly it’s easy to become someone you don’t recognize.
Do you know how it happens? What are the steps and triggers? Can you catch yourself in the moment and dissolve the tension before it affects your behavior?
It starts with our thinking patterns. If we want better actions and outcomes, it’s essential to have better thoughts.
Increasingly my clients express how busy they are and how overwhelmed they feel. Together we discover how they can catch themselves in the moment, replace their existing thoughts with something more useful, and recapture a sense of control in their chaotic day.
Imagine if this could be the year you spend more time in charge of your situation, instead of at the mercy of your surroundings.
Click here to schedule a free consultation with me. Let’s make 2025 remarkable.