I used to agonize over taking action.
- Sending an email
- Making a phone call
- Deciding which path to take
- Adjusting the wording
- Endless checking & rechecking
Now I just hit ‘send’. I press go. I decide and move forward.
I still get nervous. But I don’t let it stop me.
It wasn’t easy. It took a lot of work.
I wish it had taken less work.
I wish I knew 10 years ago what I know now:
- There are frameworks and principles for everything
- Fears are pliable, not fixed
- It helps to have an experienced guide
This week I’m opening up a new coaching program called Changes Made Simple.
In 12 weeks, we’ll rewire your old patterns into new practices so you take big steps toward a more fulfilling and satisfying life – physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.
I have 4 spots right now. These will be available on a first-come first-served basis until February 11 or when they are gone, whichever comes first. It’s $200 per week.
If you’d like to learn more, reply to this email with “send me the details”.
We all have changes we want to make:
- Build a new routine
- Break out of a cycle
- Overcome a doubt
What would you pursue if you knew you would succeed?